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Major-General David Fraser on Ottawa Today with Mark Sutcliffe
David Fraser
Former Canadian NATO commander on Afghanistan's future
Leadership is a Marathon: Mark Sutcliffe | TEC Canada’s The Leadership Standard Podcast
MGen (ret'd) David Fraser presents his book Operation Medusa
Are traditional peacekeeping missions a thing of the past?
Friday, July 07, 2017 - Ottawa Today with Mark Sutcliffe - Copy Jul 11 2017 11:24AM
Mark Sutcliffe and Dr. Chris Bredeson talk stem cell research and "Run for a Reason"
Sandra Plagakis, Mark Sutcliffe and Tom Hanks
CBC News: The National | Ford ordered to testify, British PM, Inside the Amazon
Rod Preece, Jodey Castricano, and David Fraser - Bringing the Collective Together
WRAP Canadian, NATO troops on manoeuvres, comments, adds Blair bite